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History of The Delta Phi Fraternity at William and Mary

On May 21, 1986, Delta Phi National granted colony status to Omega Alpha's co-founders: Thomas Lee Toler and Marc Eric Maurer. If Omega Alpha was to be granted full chapter status, they had to complete a successful rush and pledging season and demonstrate interest for Delta Phi on the College's campus. Area alumni, mostly from the Rho Chapter (University of Virginia), attended a dinner during which the initial steps of starting a chapter were discussed. Shortly thereafter, Bud Walker expressed interest in joining. These three founders set up Omega Alpha’s first rush the following fall semester. Six more members joined. National and local alumni continued their support by arranging for the nine men to be initiated at the Xi Chapter (Johns Hopkins University) on March 6, 1987.

On September 26, 1987, Delta Phi’s Annual Convention officially extended Omega Alpha a charter. The Council for Fraternal Affairs (now the Interfraternity Council) at the College recognized Delta Phi on October 19, 1989.

Since the granting of its charter, Omega Alpha has resided in several residence halls and college apartments, including Ludwell and Cabell.  In January 1994, the College granted the fraternity a permanent residence located at 197 Armistead Avenue.  In the Fall of 2013, the fraternity relocated to the College’s newly constructed Fraternity Row along Ukrop Way.

The Delta Phi Fraternity was awarded the Most Improved Chapter at the College’s Greek Awards in 1994.  Omega Alpha has been awarded Outstanding Chapter at the College’s Greek Awards in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2006, and 2009.

Omega Alpha Founders:
The Pledge Class of 1987

Uri Arkin
Jerome David Bowers, II
Andrew Charles Ellet
Theodore Alexander Hsu
David Bryan Mann
Mark Eric Maurer
Eric David Remy
Thomas Lee Toler
William McKenzie Walker, Jr.


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