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25th Anniversary Celebration


2012 marked the 25th anniversary of our founding. In 1987,​ our nine founders forged a new brotherhood on campus—one that was, is, and will continue to be a shining example of what a fraternity should be. In September 2012, the undergraduate chapter had the honor of helping organize such a grand event. To quote the alumni website, “Never has the tradition and history of our chapter been on better display than at this event. Old friendships were rekindled and new friendships were made. Nothing demonstrates the depth of our brotherhood better than the fact that every pledge class was represented at the celebration dinner!” Although rainy weather moved the event from Matoaka Amphitheater to Trinkle Hall, the celebration was still attended by well over 150 brothers. 

Annual Alumni Wine and Cheese

Wine and Cheese is Omega Alpha's annual undergraduate-alumni event.  It takes place the Friday night of Homecoming weekend in October at our on campus fraternity house, and includes dinner beforehand with each brothers' respective families and a joint formal through most of the night. For more information about the event, contact our Alumni Relations chair, Ben Russo, at

Roll of Alumni

Pledge Class of 1987 (Founders)
Uri Arkin
Jerome David Bowers, II
Andrew Charles Ellet
Theodore Alexander Hsu
David Bryan Mann
Mark Eric Maurer
Eric David Remy
Thomas Lee Toler
William McKenzie Walker, Jr.

Pledge Class of 1989
Christopher Patrick Barr
William Lorenzo Day, III
Brook Anders Edinger
John Clinton Eller
Jeffrey Hamilton Geiger
William James Mackey, Jr.
Jeremy Vance Norman
Henry Joseph Schuldinger
Mark Francis Toner

Pledge Class of 1991
Richard Hunter Beryhill
Sean Gregory Blackman
Michael David Boezer
Eric David Boyle
Lynwood Scott Edwards
Michael Scott Evans
William Allen Lott, Jr.
Brian Scott Parish
Stephen Philip Pocalyko
Stephen Baldwin Watts​

Pledge Class of 1993
Peter Richard Barnes
Rodd William Bayston
Garret Ainsley Camporine
Mark Frederick Hidalgo
Christopher Julian Hoctor
Jonathan Thomas MacDonald
David Charles McAndrews
Gavin Scott Torrisi
Chris Lee Waugaman​

Pledge Class of 1995
Peter Nels Ackerson
Craig Briscoe Bremer
Stephen Mackey Kingsland
Jung Woo Lee
David Paul Christopher Loewenstein
Ian Abraham Orensky
Richard Bruce Rovang
Pepin Andrew Tuma

Pledge Class of 1997
Thomas Ashley Brown
Dale Bruce Clemence
Marcelo Khan Carvalho de Castro
Andrew Wynn Dyer, Jr.
Justin Alan Hendrix
David Leech Johnson
Mark John McNeely, Jr.
Robert Samuel Saunders, Jr.
Matthew Peter Scoles
Matthew John Wiechmann

Pledge Class of 1999
Kanishka Mohammad Azimi
Mark Garan Charles Bass
David Saunders Blessing
Christopher McCall Cowan
David Michael Kelley
Stephen Robert Lipscomb
Michael John Swiontkowski
Michael James Wagner, Jr.
Brett Kingston Young

Pledge Class of 2001
David Andrew Barton
Benjamin David Brands
Brian Ross Cannon
James Matthew Cowan
Brian Andrew Hasty
Michael Franklin Hoard
Matthew Lee Menefee
Timothy Minor Miller
Stephen Bennett Paulette
Elliot David Staudt
James Anthony Tscherne
John Leo Turcotte
Aaron Michael Vandiver
Pledge Class of 2003
Charles Edward Caldwell, Jr.
Richard John Caldwell
Vito Thomas Castelgrande
Justin Derrick Eames
Christopher Burton Ford
Jeffrey Nathan Marx
Joseph Prestas McCann
Jasen Taylor McCormick
Travis Gordon Parno
Alex James Roche

Pledge Class of 2005
Matthew Austin Aviles
Brian Jeffrey Ball
Matthew Parker Bennett
Andrew Thomas Costello
James Flinn Donecker
Christopher David Harrison
Brendan Patrick Hoelmer
Robert Sterling Lewis
Ryan Wescott Norwood
David Warren Ridley
Matthew Diego Williamson
Michael Richard Woolslayer
Philip Benjamin Worrell
Pledge Class of 2007
Andrew Miller Albright
Ryan Lewis Eickel
Eric Ryan Godfrey
William Ross Grogg, IV
Benjamin Andrew Israel
Nicholas Scott Kantor
Joshua Einstein Lepchitz
Uchenna Anayochi Nwosu
Andrew Principe
Justin Christopher Sheppard
Pledge Class of 2009
Nathaniel Robert Baugh
Robert Edward Blumberg
Michael Stephenson Coulter
Sean Patrick Eichenberger
Robert Willard Hoing
John Paul Mohler
George Andrew Popps
Richard Douglas Rowland
John Garges Zachary
Spring Pledge Class of 2011
John Victor Farrell
Philip Alexander Lavely
Kieran Neil Long
Jeffrey Daniel McAleer
Brett Matthew Prestia
Christopher Busch Severini
Andrew Fitzgerald Shelton
Charles Merrit Shobe
Cameron Dale Teaster
Spring Pledge Class of 2012
Grady Hansen Ambrose
Dabney Jefferson Carr V
Nicholas Francis Chlan
Benton James Graham
Owen Daniel Gray
William Dan Liu
Patrick Sarahan Rollo
Adam David Kampic Siegel
Fall Pledge Class of 2013
Noah Joseph Adam
David Carmichael Greene
Brian Junyoung Hur
Ian Taylor Kirkwood
Jan Carlton LaRiviere
Christopher William Lavely
Daniel James Sequiera
John William Spacy
Fall Pledge Class of 2014
William Loring Adie
Omar Gasson Alkoja
Harrison Pace Chapman
Evan Anders DeFraine
Rohan Naresh Desai
Matthew Christopher Giardiello
Collin Peter Pampalone
Michael Steven Salomon
Thomas Ryan Stone
Cody Allan Turner
Fall Pledge Class of 2015
Benjamin Graham Bowery
Christopher David Gundermann
Ryan Conner Harstick
Henry Charles Hannon
Robert Thomas Korb
Tristan Hunter Kuhn
Tyler Dennis Mlakar
Jack Emerson Pohlmann
Mahesh Venkata Raman
Anthony Fernando Scarpiniti
Grant William Shea
William Perren Vasquez
Graeme Meredith Waples
Fall Pledge Class of 2016
Luke Kearney Allen
Anderson Smith Barr
Henry Whalen Bluestein
Tyler Kenneth Yuksel Crowley
Isaac Fitzgerald Davis
Charles Curtis Henry
Samuel Charles Jordan
Brian Seiki Nelson
Michael Paul Ostendorf
Giancarlo Alexis Racanelli
Lucas Ramadan
Benjamin Tucker Russo
Peter Hyde Sanderson
Fall Pledge Class of 2017
Daniel Eoin Coughlin
William Francis Evans
Kameron Keith Miller
Mitchell Fera Romano
Fall Pledge Class of 2018
Jamil Kefah Abbas
Saarthak Sethi
Jakobi Elijah Tharpe
Josh Xi Zhang
​Pledge Class of 1988
Jonathan James Biedron
Joseph Anthony Chirico
Robert Reams Jammes
Douglas Gregory Johnston
Michael William Kilgore, Jr.
David Craig MacDonald
David George Squires
William Taylor Wood, III

Pledge Class of 1990
Geoffrey Randolph Befumo
John Elwood Collier, III
Michael Bruno Anthony Cuomo
Stephen Philip Allan Goss
Charles Bernhart Jordan, Jr.
Jason Vana Kerins
David Moldavsky
David Bruce Romero
Christopher Taibbi
Pledge Class of 1992
Eric Joshua Dietrich
Casey Don Ficklin
John Burke Gardner
Jonathan Edward Hartsel
Jacob Grandia Marvel
Joshua Adam Raditz
Mitchell Edwin Sava
Christopher Douglas Woofter

Pledge Class of 1994
Stephen Todd Anderson
Jordan McElwee Eison
Keith Bonhard Humphrey
Bobby Ray Lewis, Jr.
John Parker Northrop
Jason Lloyd Williams
Pledge Class of 1996
Robert Michael DeWitt
Ryan Blake Keller
Bryan Christopher Lewis
Matthew Browning Long
Arthur Max Wolfson
Pledge Class of 1998
James Nelson Chandler
Jason Thomas Ciejka
Christopher Ross Donald
James Whitten Ellerman
Robert Lee Griffin, IV
Matthew Wallace Joosse
Ryan Lawrence Kirkland
Nicholas Benjamin Kolin
Kerrin Charles Wolf

Pledge Class of 2000
Edwin Emerson Carter, III
Thomas Graham Haas
Walker James Hardy
Michael Adams Hass
Monte Antoine Johnson
Michael William Ott
Taylor Joseph Phillips
Charles Oliver Robinett
David Ryan Santopietro
Brent Gerard Stackhouse
Pledge Class of 2002
James Patrick Clough
Daniel James Fitzhenry
Matthew Terrance Ford
Christopher Reed Greenwood
Brian Joseph Jarcho
Frederick Hugo Kukelhaus
Jonathan Herman Lasken
Edward Jensen Rice
Todd Evan Sievers

Pledge Class of 2004
Ryan Christopher Clark
Joseph Roland Davis
Mark Aldan Ely
Francis Parrish Giknis
Ryland Steer Greenhouse
David Jeffrey Hamerling
Jonathan Gregory Kuzma
Ryan Michael Scofield
Ideen Solhtalab
Zachary James Vaughan
Pledge Class of 2006
John Douglass Barlow II
Timothy Porter Brewster
Robert Joshua Cromwell
Robert Samuel Franklin
Daniel John Gormally
Kevin Scott Jarcho
Nicholas Scott Metheny
William Joseph Mutell Jr.
Graham Michael Otton
Christopher Bay Pascal
Scott Andrew Sievers
Pledge Class of 2008
Michael David Crump
John Daniel Donehey
Jonathon Liam Greenspan
Jerrauld Charles Corey Jones
Robert William Lawrence
Khristopher Minh Nguyen
Peyton Wells Rose
Andrew David Rudd
Sungmin Song
Kyle Joseph Wager
Pledge Class of 2010
Justin Warren Burnam
Drew William Chlan
Holmes Austin Crocker
Scott William Clark
Justin Michael Duke
Andrew Ryan Eugene
Julian Wade Harrison
Augustine Thomas Herbert
Benjamin Harris Migdol
Dylan Lucas Simms
Jason Jeffrey Storbeck
Glenn Bright Williams
David Michael Zavelsky
Fall Pledge Class of 2011
Zebediah Stone Becker
Lucas Alexander Cohen
Tyler Joseph Dunphy
Edgar Wyatt Haas
Joel Keppel Hellman
Henry William Longley
Benjamin Jacob Melick
Trevor Nelson Parkes
Daniel Michael Rissman
E'mon O'Shea White
Spring Pledge Class of 2013
Michael Anthony Conte
Aaron Joshua Eilbott
Brandon Samuel Feister
Nathaniel Edward Hatter
Anton Luke Lachowicz
Kyle Phillip Mele
Michael Joseph Paniccia
Louis Paul Petrocelli
Evan Lee Pfeiffer
Martin Robert Slag
Spring Pledge Class of 2014
Lakota James Camp
Eric Antonio Martinez
David Frank McPherson
Mark Thomas Schreiber
Spring Pledge Class of 2015
Christian Alexander Chisolm
Henry Sho Kellam
Nicholas Daniel Kush
Alex Han-Bete Mun
Timothy James Murphy III
Jacob Robert Raskin
Spring Pledge Class of 2016
Nicholas Gomez Balbontin
Vansh Bansal
Bryce Eugene Johnson
Adam Frazier Mickle
Erick Matthew Pacher
Spring Pledge Class of 2017
John Reynolds Benn
Jacob Stephen Ferrara
Mateo Florencio Gomez
Jeffrey Joseph Samuel Ross
Spring Pledge Class of 2018
Spring Pledge Class of 2019


© 2019 Delta Phi – Omega Alpha Chapter

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